ELF’s Story Part4: ELF’s Structure: ELF Sections

In the upcoming part of our discussion, I will delve into the intricacies of ELF Sections. These sections serve as containers of critical information required for linking a target object file to produce a fully functional executable. Each section plays a key role in the overall structure and functionality of the executable file.

ELF’s Story Part3: ELF’s Structure: ELF Section Headers

1-Introduction Are you ready to delve deeper into the world of ELF files? In my previous part, I discussed the critical role of the ELF header in locating different parts of the file. Today, I want to share with you some exciting information about the ELF Section Headers. These headers serve as descriptors for various […]

ELF’s Story Part2: ELF’s Structure: ELF Header

1-Introduction In the previous part of this story, we learned about compilation, linking, and how a linker works. In this part, I would like to discuss the ELF (Executable and Linkable Format) structure and the elements that make up an ELF file. An ELF file is not just a binary code that executes on a […]

ELF’s Story Part1: How is an ELF create

1- Introduction Hello guys I’m back with a new series of blog posts.Last year I focused on Linux binaries. I read a lot about ELF files, How they compile, and how load in memory and run. So I decided to write my experiences in some blog posts and named it ELF’s story. But this is […]


8-ttt2 Assets: This is special challenge which is uses the new feature of Windows 10, WSL. The WSL is an embedded Linux OS in the windows that lets you to run the Linux files in it. For more info read this OK at first, I run the ttt2.exe file and it shows me an error […]


7-re_crowd Assets: First Section: This challenge is just a PCAP file. At the first place open it in the Wireshark, we see some HTTP GET requests and responses. For extracting the content of that webpage, Open it in the NetworkMiner software to extract the content of this pcap file. To import the dump to NetworkMiner, […]


3-Wednesday Assets: This is a score game and you must get a specific score at this game so that it shows you the flag.After debugging the code, I saw that strings Score and High Score in the screen of game. Searched them in the memory of the file and find the address of them. I […]